This activity really caught my eye and I was super excited when my mother-in-law came home from a trip to the store with the only non-household supply it needed...pipe cleaners!! Colorful, fuzzy, bendable pipe cleaners. Apparently, she had "pinned it", too. So, we got out the colander and let the girls go to town.
Insert one end of the pipe cleaner into a hole and the other end into another hole.
Simple. Easy. Fun. (And (mostly) quiet.)
We made swirlies.
We grouped them by color.
We also made a swirly flower bouquet that we put in the top and we flipped the colander over and slid the pipe cleaners in on one side and out the other, making a colorful web of pipe cleaners. The girls had fun doing it and me and Mawmaw had fun watching them. And Jacob was "super excited" that we got the girls happy about Pinterest, too!!
Original idea from:
I have resisted Pintrest with all my might. I *want* to pin... but I know if I get started, I'll never accomplish anything ever again. Fun activity, though! Ginny would love it, I'm sure.