
Monday, March 4, 2013

One More Home, One T-Shirt At A Time

We are so excited about this t-shirt!!!

This is our first big fundraiser for our adoption and we are very excited about it.  It's a great way you can be a part of our adoption and help bring our son home! 
I shared the "One More Home" phrase in a previous post, but here it is again...
"One More Home" is kind of our theme/mission/etc...There are millions upon millions of orphans around the world.  I'd like to believe that I could be a mother to them all, but I can't.  But I can be a mother to the one that God has chosen for us.  I can bring him home.  And you can, too.  And when he comes home, there will be one more child home with his forever family.  One more home to be tucked into bed by his very own mommy and daddy.  One more home to receive the love and nurturing that he so desperately needs.  One more home to hear about the unconditional and sacrificial love that Jesus has for him."
The center of the "O" in one is an outline of Colombia - the country from where we are adopting our little boy.  And we chose blue for our t-shirts because...well, blue for boys, right?  
We'll be taking pre-orders until Friday, March 14.  We'll also order extras, but pre-ordering is a way to guarantee we have your size available just for you!
The cost is $20 per t-shirt and every single penny of the profits goes directly into our adoption fund.  If you missed my post on the breakdown of our adoption expenses, you can find it here. 
The t-shirts are pre-shrunk and true to size.   
Available sizes include Youth S - XL and Adult S - XXL 
Here's how to order:
1. Click on our "Donate" button at the top and enter your size - and your address if it needs to be mailed - in the "comments" section. 

2. Leave me a comment on this post with your size and a way to contact you about payment and where to mail it, if needed.

3. Leave me a comment on my Facebook post and I'll message you to get payment and mailing info.

4. E-mail me at with your size and I'll reply to get your payment and mailing info.

5. You can also let me know if you see me at church, work, or around town!

T-Shirts will be available around Easter.  You can either go ahead and pay with your order or wait and pay when they come in - whichever is easier for you!

Our family cannot thank you enough for the overwhelming amount of love we've already been shown.  We will never be able to fully express the joy that we have in seeing so many people come behind and help us along on this journey.  And please feel free to share this post via your Facebook or Twitter account to help us spread the word.  Thank you so much for!

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