
Friday, March 11, 2011

That's Jesus!!

  I had the girls in Maley's room - where I sleep at my parent's house - getting them dressed a few mornings ago.  Maley played soccer all through high school and her walls are still decorated with soccer plaques and things of that nature.  She also has this figurine that her youth minister gave is of Jesus playing soccer with some little kids.  To my knowledge, neither of my girls have ever really seen or paid attention to this figurine that is way up on the wall.  He does look like many of the images she has seen in Bible stories we read to her at home.
  So, while I have them in there dressing them, Lynnsie looks up and points and says, 'That's Jesus.'  I stopped, looked at her, and followed her eyes and her finger to where she was pointing and it looked like she was focused on this figurine.  I thought, 'Seriously? How in the world...?'  Just to be sure, I got it down and asked her if this was what she was looking at.  She touched Jesus' face and said, 'That's Jesus.'  I teared up.  And I thought, and prayed, 'Lord, please help her to always recognize Jesus.  Not just images or figurines of Him, but as He works in the hearts and lives of her and others around her and as He takes care of and provides for her.  Mostly, let her recognize Him as her Savior.'

Funny side note: AB wanted to know why 'Jesus is playing soccer in flip flops!'

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