
Friday, March 25, 2011

Mommy's Little Helpers

  Both of my girls are in a stage where they love to help.  If I am sweeping the floor, then one of them has their toy broom and the other has the toy vacuum and they are cleaning the floor, too.  I've often times caught them getting wipes off the changing table and wiping down all of their furniture.  Or if I am doing laundry, they love to help me "fold" the clothes.  And you know what, I leave them "folded" in just the way they put them. Anna Beth really loves to help me take care of Lynnsie...sometimes this is a problem when Lynnsie doesn't feel like being "mothered' in Anna Beth's 2 year old way :) It is sweet, though, having them both be so helpful to me and to each other. 
  As I watch them "help" me in so many ways throughout the day, God really reminds me that He has me with them for a purpose. His purpose.  I don't mean has me as their mom, I mean, He has me staying home with them every day for a purpose.  I go through a phase from time to time, where I'm like, 'Lord, really, you brough us down here, I spent 3 years in school to get my Master's, I love working with children, and right now you have me "not working". " Well, anyone who's ever been a mom knows that there is no "not working"'s a LOT of work!!
  But then, like I said, God reminds me that He has me home with them for a purpose.  What better children to "work" with than my own? What better children to use my Masters in Christian/Children Education than my own? And so many "wiser" moms have told me - stay home if you can, because your kids won't stay home for long.  And they tell me to cherish these years at home....sometimes I want to tell them to come cherish my years at home with 2 toddlers! 
  Seriously, though, I love it.  There are days, yes, where I've told Jacob I was going to the local McDonald's because they are always hiring and at least it will get me out of the house! But the truth is, God has me home with them for a very special purpose.  I am teaching them. I am helping them grow. I am watching two of the most fascinating little people on the earth (ok, maybe I'm partial) develop their talents, skills, and personalities and I get to watch them learn and figure things out.  I once heard that some graduate programs require their students to pay big bucks to observe toddlers for a few days because so much can be learned from them...and I get to do it for free!!!
  But God also reminds me, that I am training them up in Him.  And He has a purpose for their lives.  So what if I never get to fulfill my "dream job".  I may be raising the next two Annie Armstrong's or Lottie Moon's!! Now wouldn't that make a momma proud?  I don't know what God's plan is for my children, but I know it's big and wonderful.  And right now, I get to be a part of it.  I see them do so many little things throughout the day and I think, " could that come into play later in their life?"
  This is not to say that I am never going to "work" full-time or that if God brings a great job to me where I can work from home, that I won't take long as it doesn't interfere with my getting to see the little things each day.  But I just know that I am happy and content being my kids mommy :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful reminder! How easy it is to forget the blessings we receive every day while watching our little ones! I, too, am thankful the Lord has made it possible for us to be home with our sweet toddlers.
