
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Will Survive

"At first I was afraid....I was petrified!...
...But I will survive, I will SURVIVE!!"

  And survive is what I did today.  Today was my first whole day alone with my kids.  And I survived.  Jacob was able to take off of work for two weeks after Creek's birth and then his mom came down for two more weeks.  Today, he left for work and she left for Tennessee. 
  I stood in my living room with Lynnsie at my side and Creek sleeping in my arms and watched the front door close.  And then I thought, "Oh, great!! What was I thinking?!?! Everyone come back, please, please come back! I'm so not ready to go at it alone!!"  Tears almost formed.
  I took a deep breath and remembered that it's only a 8 hours a day and I was really not alone...God was with me and would get me through today. 
  There were tears - from all four of us.  Lynnsie is the only one who got a nap today.  I managed to pick Anna Beth up from school on time and have a short conversation with my friend outside her school.  I did a fun activity with the girls involving shaving cream and food coloring and a very long, soapy bath.  And I even got the kitchen floor mopped under the kitchen table.  I finally put away the two baskets full of clean and folded laundry (thanks to my mother-in-law).  The kids made it to bed with full what if it was a pumpkin sugar cookie that topped off that full belly.
  So, yeah, I can do this.  Today I may have just survived, but each day's only going to get easier, right?


  1. I so relate to this!! Thinking of you!

  2. Heather, I know!! I thought about you a lot today! Praying for y'all these next few days!

  3. sounds to me like you did a lot more than just survive. Your day sounds way more productive that my day and I only have 2 kiddos! :) So I would say that you didn't survive, you rocked this mother of 3 thing!!
