
Friday, August 19, 2011

Down By The Creek

This week my friends gave me an AMAZING baby shower.  From the decorations to the food to the friends in attendance, it was all so perfect!! I have pretty awesome friends.  Keep reading and you'll see why:

These were the hostesses: Holly, Karen, Jamie, (me), Becca and Mary.  You definitely want them planning something special for you! 

This was one side of the cake...a "Creek" bank.

The other side of the bank...the "Creek".

"Bait" for fishing at the Creek cake...way too cute!!  There was another one that had little fish in it and a third that held the forks.  Such an adorable table decoration and they sent them home with me to use in his room...or to bang on :)

The perfect backdrop for the gifts...a fishing net with 3 precious onesies.  The top two are a blog post all their own.  And, of course, what's South Louisiana without an alligator onesie for a baby boy?!

It was very special to me for my mom, grandmother, and both of my sisters to be able to be there.

This was the MOST fun.  Since we have two girls and we're getting ready for our first boy - and lots of our friends have little boys - they made cutouts of fish, frogs, caterpillars, and dragonflies...lots of things you'd find down by the creek...and everyone wrote some advice for us about boys! Here's what we learned:
- Nothing like a boy.  Boys pull at their momma's heartstrings even more than girls do!
- Have a diaper ready...don't leave it exposed!
- Boys are so sweet.
- You will probably be on a first name basis at the ER :) Boys are rough and tough.  (If Creek is anything like his daddy, this will be very true!)
- Keep lots of ice packs, band-aids, and neosporin on hand.
- A little dirt never hurt anybody.
- Boys smell like wet rope when they sweat! lol
- Boys don't sit still and have one volume...LOUD!
- Boys mature a lot slower than girls!
- Hot wheels are flushable! (I think this is good to know :) )
- Keep lots of ice packs on hand. (Hmmm...same advice from two different people,
I should probably get some ice packs!)
- Don't take too long changing his diaper!
And I think the party favorite...
- When potty training, teach him to "shake" not "wipe" after he pees (or he will get
made fun of, according to dad)

When I got home after the shower, I couldn't wait to go through everything again and show Jacob all of the great stuff Creek got!  Lots of clothes, diapers, some toys, a super soft blanket, a tub with his name on it filled with clothes and diapers and the book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" - perfect for the theme, right!, a diaper bag, some burp cloths, some bibs, a beautiful monogrammed quilt, and yes, I count the big blue bag of leftover tissue paper as a gift. Ha!

With the gifts, advice, and friendships, I think we're ready for you...



  1. Looks like y'all had a great time! Still sad I missed it!

  2. What a great shower!! And I love the potty training tip. I am actually teaching Colt that now!

    And I am the opposite of you. All I know is BOY. Not sure what to do with a girl yet!!

  3. Another tip. Boys don't cry unless they are really hurting! If they fall, they usually get back up. If they are crying, they are usually hurting!

  4. Awwww, how fun! Boys are definitely rough and tumble, at least moreso than my girl, but they are so sweet and cuddly. Congrats, again!
