
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Clinging to His Word

  I think most people that I know have a "favorite" verse from Scripture.  It's not that these favorite verses mean more or are more important than any other verse in Scripture, but it's a verse or passage that speaks loudly to them and really gets them through the day...for lack of a better phrase.  As a mommy, I have two verses that I find myself clinging to a lot.
  The first verse is 3 John 4: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth."  No greater true this verse is for mommies and daddies!!  I cling to this verse because it reminds me of what I am doing.  I am raising them, guiding them, and teaching them to live for Christ, or I am trying to anyway.  I am trying to point them in His direction, in the hopes that they will - very soon - commit their lives and their hearts to Him.  I want them to walk in the truth and know that God loves them and gave His Son, Jesus, for them.  I want them to live to please Him, not themselves, me, or anyone else.  There will be no greater joy in my life when they give their lives to Christ.
  The second verse is 2 Timothy 1:12 : "...I know who I have believed and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day."  The writer, Paul, was a prisoner when he wrote this - sentenced because He loved God and shared His word.  And yet, during this suffering, He trusted God.  He had entrusted his life to God.  I have to trust God with my children - their health, their safety...their whole life.  This is hard for me because I am their mommy, I am supposed to be able to protect them from anything.  But the fact is, I can't.  And only God can.  There is nothing He can't handle or protect in their lives.  Does this mean that sickness, danger, or anything else will never come to my children?  No, it doesn't.  But I trust Him everyday that they are in His hands and He will carry them through whatever comes in their life.  I have to.  What other choice do I have? To rely on myself?  Um, that would not be such a good idea!!

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