Friday, February 25, 2011

A Cute Morning

   After an "up and down, in and out of bed with both girl" kind of night, I fully expected this morning to be full of, well, cranky kids, and a cranky mommy and daddy.  Lack of sleep tends to do this!!  However, the girls were full of energy (of course!) and did some things that were so amazingly cute, we couldn't even pretend to be cranky!!
   We'll start first with Lynnsie.  We are in the process of trying to get her to stop sucking her thumb.  She really doesn't do it very often, but we are trying to limit it only to her bed.  So, when we see her sucking her thumb, we say "Lynnsie, don't suck your thumb." Being the very obedient child that she is (I've probably just cursed myself!!), she takes it out promptly.  So, this morning, when I told her to not to suck her thumb, she took it out promptly....then looks at me with those big brown eyes - with that fresh morning look in them - and those chubby cheeks and says, "I'm sorry, mommy." Oh my!!  It was so precious.  I was very tempted to tell her to suck her thumb all she wanted to if she was going to be that sweet about it.  I just picked her up and squeezed her tight!
   On to Anna Beth.  She decided to play "music teacher" this morning.  She has this Baby Einstein Discovery book that has buttons on the side.  Some of the buttons make silly noises and some of them play music.  She sat in the living room floor and pushed the music buttons and pretended like she was leading her "class" of invisible students in the song.  She did hand motions and sang and danced.  When the song was over, she lovingly clapped and told her class what good job they had done and how proud she was of them.  She did this for a while.  At one point, she wanted Lynns to be in her class, but she was too busy playing with other things.
  So, these are just a couple of the cute things that went on in our home this morning...much to my surprise!!

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