
Friday, January 14, 2011


So, I thought I would start this blog with one of my favorite "little things" that I get to encounter every single day. Seriously...Every. Single. Day.  It's called snuggle time in our house and I get to do it with both Anna Beth and Lynnsie.  There is nothing better to my day than snuggle time.  It absolutely melts my heart and brightens my day no matter what has happened.
Snuggle time goes a little something like this: I get up (or try to) about an hour before my girls usually wake up...just to have time to get a shower (in peace) and drink my coffee while doing some Bible reading and spending time with God.  I do this anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes...depending on what time I make it out of bed and how late the girls sleep in :) Anna Beth usually gets up first. She comes into the living room with that precious "I just woke up" look on her face, still with the lines from the pillow on her cheek and some awesome bed hair.  Then, the best part...she climbs into my lap and just sits there, snuggled up, for a few minutes.  She's very quiet and usually leans up to take a peek into my coffee cup. We sit that way almost every morning and it is a great way to start the day.  We end the day in a similar manner.  When I go to tuck her in at night, she wants me to lay down and snuggle again with her.  I tell myself that the bedtime snuggle is NOT her way of prolonging her day :)
Snuggle time with Lynnsie, the youngest, is different and just as precious. Hers are kind of random during the day.  We often joke and call it her "recharge"!  She crawls up and grabs onto the bottom of your pants or your foot or whatever she can take a hold of, lays her cheek on you, and sucks her thumb. Or she climbs into your lap, lays her cheek on your cheek, and sucks her thumb. Or she grabs your hand and lays her cheek on it and, guessed her thumb.  It only lasts a few seconds, but it is priceless!
I love snuggling with my babies. I savor every second of it and I pray they NEVER grow out of it!! This is, perhaps, my favorite "little thing".

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